Diabetes is a life-threatening disease for humans and animals. It can be measured by the amount of insulin produced by the body. Both humans and pets should be monitored to keep their blood sugar levels in check. Moreover, proper care and nutrition is also necessary.

According to statistics, 1:500 is the ratio of diabetic to normal dogs. They are mostly diagnosed in the age bracket of 7-9 years. In addition, they have type-1 diabetes (insulin-dependent). Apart from insulin deficiency, other diabetes-inducing factors are:

  • Obesity
  • Higher hormone levels
  • Genetics

Caring for a dog with diabetes can be unpleasant, expensive, and time-consuming for some pet owners. They require life-long treatments with high-fiber diets, regular exercise, and insulin injections. To keep up with their treatment, make a proper schedule and work accordingly.

Nowadays, it’s easy to make dietary meals for your pets. Connect to the Internet and find yourself in a swarm of recipes. On the other hand, the market is flooded with sugar-coated dog treats. Some of its ingredients include fillers and artificial additives. Avoid them at all costs and keep your dog safe from ill health.

Which Factors Should You Consider Before Buying Dog Treats?

Diabetic dog treats contain high protein and fiber, low carbs, and fats. Make your own treats or use specific vegetables (carrots, green beans, and cucumbers) to treat your canine.

Below are some factors that you need to address before purchasing dog treats:

  1. Read the Label

Search for diabetic sweets devoid of additives, chemicals, starches, and fillers; these ingredients affect blood sugar levels adversely. Start by paying close attention to the substances listed on the labels:


  • Fewer Components
  • High Protein
  • No Carbs or Starches
  • No Additional Syrups or Sugars


  1. High Protein

Lean meats and fish rich in proteins are added to a diabetic dog’s diet. This food source can help your dog increase lean muscle mass and gain more weight. Other kinds of food, including fish, beef, chicken, and poultry are also beneficial. Organ-based treats are regarded as high-value; diabetic canines require a variety of vitamins and nutrients to stay fit and active.

Add some vegetables like canned pumpkin and snap peas to the diet. Although some fruits and berries are excellent sources of fiber, their high glucose content keeps their use in moderation. Certain vegetables can be harmful to your dog; they are converted into sugars after digestion, causing problems for your diabetic friend. If vegetables are not your pet’s cup of tea, add some meat to the menu.


Like other pets, dogs can easily integrate into a family. However, if it is diagnosed with diabetes, then adopting it is difficult. Follow the vet’s instructions and maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise. Moreover, avoid high-sugar products such as peanut butter, corn syrup, white rice, bread, and more. Provide your pet with dehydrated food. It is the best choice for diabetic dogs who require high proteins and low carbs.

If your pet is undergoing diabetic symptoms, reach out to a reliable veterinarian today!

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